There’s a particular word in the life world that at first you hate but over time you’ll come to love.
That’s the one. I was recruited as president of a highly specialized branding and sports marketing company years ago. I was given charge of everything from finance to bringing a vision to the firm to lifting the creative product. After signing on I discovered the tremendous debt the company owed. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know about this going into the position. But I knew it soon enough. That’s when my mentor helped me learn about the significance of this powerful word. In short it means:
- Holding assets in trust for a beneficiary.
- Stewardship of someone else’s possessions.
- A director who stands in a special relationship of trust, confidence or responsibility in obligation to others.
Pretty sobering definition don’t you think? So there I was in the midst of a massive business problem.
I shifted into the classic “fight or flight” mode. I stayed. I fought. I engrained the idea that each person in the company was now a fiduciary along with me. It started to improve but I had my days.
“Stupid, stupid word,” I’d tell myself. Over time the debt was paid, and business increased. It was a burden—a personal burden not just a professional one. You can’t go through a serious challenge like that and not own it. You just can’t. Do what’s right for the people in the company, the clients and the suppliers as well.
Fiduciary—the word works and I fell in love with it. But I’ve yet to see it on a T-shirt or refrigerator magnet. Now, I’ve said all that to get to this point. If you have been given a gift to write, to recognize stories, to love words…and have the ability to express yourself, then you have a fiduciary responsibility to that gift God has imprinted in you.
You have a responsibility, a stewardship to release what you have and give it away. Forget being famous or making tons of money, just start writing, begin expressing and giving it away. Write because you are compelled within to do so. Write because you must break out. Write because that is life for you. Write, right now…yes leave this site and go write something or finish whatever writing you’ve begun. Dedicate yourself to it.
Then come back here and share the experience with us all. You are a fiduciary to the giftedness God has given you.